Clinch-Powell builds strong communities by ensuring children overcome housing instability through homeownership!
Did you know that Clinch-Powell RC&D has been building strong communities, caring for people and protecting natural resources since 1989? To learn more about our work, click on the video below.
One major aspect of our work is to help individuals and families with children who are experiencing housing instability.
What is housing instability and why does it matter?
Housing instability encompasses a number of challenges, such as:
- having trouble paying rent
- overcrowding
- moving frequently
- spending the bulk of household income on housing.
These challenges impact the health and well-being of the entire family including the children.
Housing instability negatively impacts the physical, social, and emotional development of children. Research shows that housing instability can inhibit verbal abilities, stifle academic achievement and educational attainment, and increase the risk of chronic disease. Children who experience housing instability are 1.95 times more likely to have thought-related behavioral issues and are 1.56 times more likely to have attention-related behavioral issues than children who moved once or did not move at all. According to HUD.gov, children of families who own their homes are more likely to graduate high school and earn more income later in life.
We need your help! Your financial support will help us fulfill our vision that everyone lives in a healthy and vital community where all members are empowered, youth are celebrated, education is a priority, the environment is clean, and housing is affordable. Your generous donation will help us help children stay and/or become housed and become productive members of our community.
To learn more about our community impact, visit our website to view our most recent annual report 2023-CP-AnnualReport (clinchpowell.net). We appreciate your support!